Here to Listen, Educate, Guide and Support.
1530 Humboldt Rd., Suite 5
Chico, CA 95928
Ph. 530-891-4673
Your Personal Guide in Choosing The Right Insurance Plan
Firm Legs to Stand On
No one can tell what the future holds or the adversities that they may face. Insurance protects you from some of those disadvantages and you want someone who you trust to support you. Let us help you eliminate those hardships. We give our clients firm legs to stand on in a sea of insurance confusion by Listening, Educating, Guiding, and Supporting you and your needs. We treat our clients as we would want our families to be treated: with respect, consideration and compassion.
Personalized Service
Going above and beyond to establish client satisfaction and reassurance is something that we pride ourselves in. Our clients know that we are always here with friendly and prompt customer service for their insurance questions and needs. Our dedicated service team will leave no stone unturned while we advocate for the best solution for you.
Everyone likes to get the best bang for their buck and we are happy to assist in that process! There are so many affordable policies available that no one should have to sacrifice a ridiculously high percentage of their income to get the coverage they need and deserve.
There are many advantages that come with working with an insurance broker. Many people have questions like:
Is it better for me to pay more to get better benefits?
Are my prescription drugs covered?
Is my doctor in-network?
Do I have to sign-up for "Obamacare"?
How can I use medical expenses as a tax deduction?
I lost coverage through my employer, what now?
Is COBRA the best option?
We can help answer these types of questions in addtion to serving as an advocate for you during the expected and unexpected issues that may arise.
Insurance can be complicated, and you need someone you can call for help, who can serve as a mediator between you and the insurance company. We provide amazing service because we know how much it is needed and appreciated.
Through personalized support and aggressive cost-saving solutions, we help our clients get not only the best value in protection and reduced risk, but also the satisfaction of knowing that we have their back.
We take pride in empowering people with a firm foundation of knowledge, protection and commitment.